Think about it... true beauty comes from within. It begins with your personal peace, your joy, your happiness and your being content.
In my opinion (disclaimer lol), if you are not in a good place, if you have not found what brings you these things in life, if your spirit is unsettled or filled with envy/deceitfulness, etc etc. then no amount of make-up or nice hair-do's will suffice. You will deep down feel that you are not beutiful or good enough.
In turn, that will be reflected out to others in different ways...none of which give off the aura of inner beauty.
I mean, we've all met people who's attitudes stink so bad that they become the most unattractive people ever right? That's not who we wanna be...
Sooo, in conclusion, it's best to find your inner peace (my God and His Son are a GREAT means ;), family and other loved ones. Tap in on who and what you are blessed with and go from there. Life is too short to feel "unpretty".
Perfect your peace and get your pretty!
Once the inside is taken care of...the outside is merely a playground...
Nighty night.
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