Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Quick Blog #1 "Secrets"

Evening! I'm gonna do two really quick blogs b/c I need to get some rest tonight but these things are on my mind stemming from a conversation that I just had with a young man...

The first thing I want to talk about is secrets. As young women, we all have our secrets. But I would like to focus on the secrets that you have not told another SOUL in this world. Which could very well be the same secret you may have told someone but wish like hell that you had not. And pray that it never gets out to anyone else because it is something you feel is personal and should've been kept to yourself.
Now, there are some women who are secretive by nature. They keep themselves guarded, they keep their actions under wraps. Even the women closest to them don't know a whole lot of what they have going on. These women may come off as sneaky and may very well be...or they could just be very private people.
Other women have grown and matured enough to be cautious of how much of their business they tell and to whom, though they haven't always been this way, they are now this way through experience and age. Either way, we all have our secrets.
...Now I'll get to my point. I want you to think about a secret that you haven't told a soul....ask yourself why you haven' it because you feel it's not as bad as others would think so you'd prefer to just keep it to yourself...or is it because it IS that bad, or maybe even worse?

Are you protecting yourself...or ashamed?? Think about it.