Saturday, November 28, 2009

Something to ask yourself. . . ?

Okay so, this is my Facebook status currently as well, but I can go into detail on here.

Here's my question, and perhaps as a woman (or man, whatever) you should ask yourself the same thing:

If you don't stand for SOMEthing you fall for ANYthing right? . . . Okay, so then what do YOU stand for?

-I thought about this on the way to my friend Beverly's house today (btw my girl is about to graduate from nursing school! Kudos to her :). But as I was driving over there I was contemplating my age and where I want to be in life, I mean I'm only 23, but time waits for no man. Also, I had just finished watching part of the Obama campaign documentary entitled By The People, you should check it out. But the documentary touched me in many ways, one of which was how moving it was to see the dedication of the young people in Iowa to his campaign. I told my brother I SWARE if I were there I would have gotten involved. They STOOD for something, they were backing Obama 110%, they believed in him and what he stood for, so they were with it. It made me think to myself, what do I want to stand for???? So far this is what I've got:

1. Just in respect of what I was watching, I want to STAND for Obama, the man made history, he has great intentions for our country and such a likable and respectable aura about himself, reminds me of my daddy in many ways. I want to know more about what he is doing for our country so that I can back him and really tell my children about him in detail because of my knowledge of his doings for our country.

2. Now, on a more personal note, I want to STAND for my faith in the Lord, I want to be able to flat out tell people about Him and what He and His Son and the Holy Spirit have done for me in my life and for my family. I especially want to be able to talk to guys much more freely about it, but just people in general as well.

3. I want to STAND for being treated the way that I KNOW I should be treated. I have a sweet spirit (not saying I'm ALWAYS sweet), and in short, that doesn't always leave me in position to stand up for myself 100% of the time. Or I should say to bluntly object to all the things that I should. And we'll just leave that at that. But I want to stand more firmly against those things.

4. I want to STAND for my intelligence in all that I do. My knowledge of and talents in PR and Cosmetology, my abitlity to hold management and ownership positions. My ability to be assertive and successful. I can't WAIT for my opportunity to shine.
I want to STAND for being my very best at what I do. MY VERY BEST.

5. I want to STAND for my sorority. I LOVE AKA and what it stands for. I LOVE my founders for what they created and I think it is a beautiful thing to be a part of. I want to embody what a true Alpha Kappa Alpha woman should. I wanted it for a long time, I got it almost 2 years ago now, time to put in more work.

6. I want to STAND for my family and my friends, being who I am to them at all times. I want to be a light in their lives, not a shadow of darkness.

There are other things that I could think of I'm sure, but I think I've gotten personal enough.
So with all of that being said, tell me. . . what do you stand for? Think about it. :)

Thursday, November 19, 2009


Okay so this post has nothing to do with the actual soda, just thought the title was cute :)

Soooo I was sitting here daydreaming about somebody (not gonna lie lol), and it hit me that I think a crush could quite possibly be love in its purest form, or AT LEAST one of its purest forms.

I mean think about it, when you have a crush on somebody all they are to you is what you imagine them to be. . .all the relationship is between the two of you is what you imagine it to be, and of course what you imagine is only the very best. You put these perfect scenarios together of how the two of you could be. You sit and daydream about how great this person treats you and how in love yall could be, and how perfect it would be. . .based on almost knowing absolutely nothing about this person, except for what attracts you to them in the first place. When you're in the middle of the daydream it feels BEAUTIFUL. . .then, back to reality.

The smile that this person can put on your face just because of what you daydream about them has got to be some form of love. . .or at least adoration that makes you feel in love for a few seconds. . .in a giddy, delusional kind of way LOL.

I love crushes. . .it's the reality that sucks. :)

I mean because realistically a crush doesn't last forever, it either fades away or some of the lucky ones get to actually start a real relationship with their crush (mind you my best friend just MARRIED her HUGE crush last week, there is hope ladies :) But either way the crush fades out. . .but they're DEF fun while they last, and I'm crushing HARD as we speak :)

Here's a pic that I love, I call it "See Love, Be Love":

Monday, November 16, 2009


"Cupid draw back your bow, and let your arrow flow, straight to my lover's heart for me, nobody but me. . ." :) A girl can dream right.

I've never been one to listen to what people tell me, I've always adored the underdog. . .MAYBE this time I'm right.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

. . .

and so tonight I go to bed wondering: who am I? But I KNOW who I am, I'm Priscilla, there's only one me, I'm blessed, but WHAT DO I REALLY WANNA DO????? At what shall I excel? B/c it's time to get on it. Sometimes a creative mind is too busy to sit still and concentrate. It's like I KNOW what I love. I need to hit MASTERY level. I have to be my own boss, I can't work for somebody else, that much I feel I know. I have a degree, I'm halfway to my "creative" license lol. LORD guide me, I know you have GREAT things for me. Help my mind to fixate on your will. I see it coming together. . . I just need to get there.

Night Night.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Various MENtalities

Alright so I'm 23, been in three "long-term" relationships, actually four if you count my puppy love boyfriend back in the day lol. But that basically covers my entire teenage years, all throughout college, and, obviously, the beginning of my twenties. And so now I find myself here thinking, or knowing rather, that I didn't know nothing about nothing until right now...and I probably still have alot to learn from here. I thought I knew what I was doing, but really it has all just been one big growing process. And now I'm basically grown, unfortunately.
So anyways, I've been thinking lately about all the different mentalities that we as young women have about modern-day "relationships". And here are the different "MENtalities" that I've come up with, I'm sure there are more:

1) The "BABY BOY Mentality"
Okay so we've all seen the movie. This one guy that I was talking to at a certain point told me one day that he never knew why girls liked that movie so much because Jodi was cheating on Yvette, still living at home with his mom at that age, etc. Then he said he thinks girls like it because we equate love with basically being somebody's number one. Number one is the girl that a guy lies to because he "loves" her so much and doesn't want to hurt her...but he tells all of his other girls the truth about who he "loves". LOL, THAT'S ALL BULL. And not to mention childish and ignorant in my opinion, but some people agree. But let's move on to the next MENtality.

2) The "Think Like A Man" Mentality
When I was thinking of this one I actually had the Steve Harvey book somewhat in mind, just a little bit. With this mentality a woman is supposed to be "smart" about things when dating a guy and taking her time and not getting too attached too soon, playing the field, gaining respect, etc. At least that's what it seems that the book is saying, I haven't really read it. But also in this mentality some women say that they can actually think and operate like a man: taking situations for what they are, not really caring about the guy's feelings, or getting what they want from a man with no strings attached (be it sex, money, just to chill, and so on), never really getting attached, etc. . .

3) The Desperate Mentality
I actually have a soft spot for women with this mentality in my heart because I think it's really sad what they go through. With this mentality women make themselves WAY too available, barely attaining any respect at all. They have to have a man, or men, or just that male attention so badly that they come off as loose, wild, or easy. We all know some women like this. It's really not a good look, and we'll leave it at that.

4) The "He Better Be 100% Because I Am" Mentality
Okay, I have one thing to say, GUILTY. Yep, this one was all me. With this mentality, women give alot, almost like a marriage. It's like you begin to live your life for yourself and this other person, kind of forgetting about the things that you should be doing for yourself as a young woman. Yeah it's good times (and sometimes it's not), but your time is taken up and consumed with this guy (even if he's a good guy) to the point where yall become of equal importance. It's dangerous because if that person hurts you or dissapoints you or makes you upset, your whole world collapses. The relationship then has too much control over you. Whether it's a good relationship or not. If you give 110% you ALWAYS run the risk of dissapoinment..because what happens if you find out that this person is only giving you 90%...or 50%. . .then what? and that's how it usually goes. Most guys are not like girls, and they're especially not like good girls.

So after all of these mentalities are understood, there's only one thing left to understand: they're ALL wrong lol. Or at least there's SOMETHING wrong with all of them. Only because they are all worldly. The gift and the curse of love and relationships is that they both come from God. It's a gift because they are both beautiful things. It could be considered somewhat of a curse as well these days because it gets very hard to live up to God's expectations of love and relationships in this day and age because dang there EVERYTHING around us is sinful, so its tough.

Nevertheless, God says that love is none of these mentalities... He says that love is patient, kind, not jealous or boastful, or rude or proud. It doesn't demand its own way, it is not irritable, it keeps no record of wrong, it's never glad about injustice, but rejoices when the truth is let out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, always hopeful and endures every circumstance. (1 Corinthians 13:4-7)
The Bible also tells us to save ourselves until marriage and once married to never divorce. . .as a matter of fact the church doesn't even recognize what we call "relationships", they only recognize marriage.
It's crazy hard to determine how to twist and flip what love and relationships are supposed to be like to match up to what they actaully are like in this day and age. What I've decided to do is live day by day, knowing what I want in a man and knowing how I want to be loved, praying about it, living it up before somebody ties me down, looking cute, and trying to keep a close relationship with God so that He will bless me with a situation that is even remotely close to what he intended love and relationships to be. I trust Him, I know He go me ;)

Sunday, July 5, 2009

More Blogs Coming, That's A Promise

What's up :)
I have many many blog ideas written down, however life has me EXTREMELY busy at the moment. BUT, they're coming soon. :)
I promise.

Saturday, March 21, 2009


What up what up what up! It's been a while. But I'M BACK :)
Sooo, I'm laughing because this blog is proof and documentation of the hardest time of my life to date and when I'm past all of the hoop-la of this time I will be able to look back and say "DAMN I was going through it!" Lol. But you gotta GO through it to GET through it. And I'm still going through it, only now I'm not "trippin" anymore like my baby says :)
Just being PATIENT............that very important virtue.
I wanna learn the beattitudes by heart, its as good as done. That's just how I am. I go for what I want and it takes ALOT for me to give up on what I want for myself.........a gift and a curse.
But I am happy today....I am. I am madly in love, I am embarking upon a new career...both of which take patience for things to fall into perfect place....only to move on to life's next task lol, this thing called life that we live is crazy.
I wanna love and be loved and love all of my loved ones correctly and unselfishly. I want a quieter spirit. And I wanna be me unapologetically. Soooooo. . .here we go :)

i WILL get through the hoop-la lol

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

"Sour-Covered Blessings"

"The Lord works in mysterious ways."

It's something that I have heard people say very often, and even have said myself. It's said so often that it's easy to take for granted how true the statement really is.

I've only been in a few situations in life where trust was pertinent to my well-being...right now I feel like God is trying to teach me to trust Him. He's denying me things that I want. The only reason I can think of is because He has a different plan for my life. I think that I am meant to be blessed. I need to learn to trust those who love me. And understand that the ONLY perfect man that loves me is God. Not my boyfriend, not my father, and not my brother, they're all gonna make mistakes. . .God makes absolutely none.

So as I watch God work in my life, snatch things out of my reach, and force me to be patient. . .I will look at things that don't go my way as "Sour-Covered Blessings", when I first receive them they taste nasty, salty, and sour and I wanna spit them out. . .but I trust love. I do NOT unserstand it, lol, but I'm learning to trust it anyway. And love, in the end, tatses sweet. It comes from God. I trust God. I hear Him. He's developing me into a better me. So I won't fight back.

I'm walking like the blind with God as my seeing eye dog.

It's good practice for the rest of my life. . .cause it won't always be pretty. I won't always be prepared to face everything beautifully. . .but I will have a good foundation. All thanks to Him...and these Sour-Covered Blessings.

Love vs. Logic

Too much love kills the logic....and too much logic can kill the love.

I still have full faith...but am I alone in that?

. . .

I feel there's logic AND love in our thing. . .

"Where do we go from here?"

How did we even get here?

. . .
. . .
. . .

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

23. . .No Denying It. . .lol

Soooo, here I am on the eve of my 23rd Birthday...and there's nothing really exciting about it man lol. I mean of course I will probably be excited on Friday at my dinner and then skating on saturday, but I JUST planned those things like yesterday. Usually I'm so excited about my birthday that my plans are set in stone far in advance. This year I wasn't gonna do anything, but I decided I couldn't go out like that just's just not me. But this birthday isn't exciting like 16, 18, 21, or even my 22nd was exciting because it was my golden year (22 on January 22nd).

BUT I am happy that it is my birthday...I'm a young adult now, out of college, looking to establish my's a slightly harsh reality but I've got God, my family, and my friends/cousins/LSs, my honey who I love.... I'm good. I mean it's not like I'm 30 or anything!!! LOL But I maturing...and I am gonna celebrate that, soooooooooo